Wednesday, June 6, 2007

This One's For the Ladies

Being a guy, most of my blogs have a guy's perspective when it comes to training. Now I feel both sexes should train in about the same manner. Meaning, the weight room does not and should not say "Gals need not enter". In fact, most guys tend to train a little harder if there are a few cuties in the weight room. But as we've discussed over and over on this blog, YOU MUST BUILD MUSCLE TO LOSE WEIGHT. PERIOD!

Most of the workouts I have posted can and should be used by females. Just adjust the weight or rep count if necessary. Maybe train 2-3 times per week instead of 3-4 times per week since some studies show weight training increases the bodies production of testosterone. We don't want our readers to resemble the Ukrainian Womens Weigtlifting Team.

Do this all round workout 3 times per week with 4-6 days of cardio and a Jenny Henderschott type physique is on the way!

3(sets) x10(reps)
Barbell Curls
Dumbell Squats
Lateral Dumbell Raises (Do these while sitting on a Swiss Ball for added difficulty and core work)
Swiss Ball Crunches
Standing Calf Raises

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